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Building Rounded, Confident and Knowledgeable Individuals

In All Aspects of Life



In Person and Online

And Special Events!

1st Sunday

Evangelism Training/Outreach

2nd Sunday

Friends OnLine Distance (F.O.L.D)

3rd Sunday

Face-to-Face Club

4th Sunday

3PM - 4:30PM

Executive Meeting

3PM - 4:30PM

3PM - 4:30PM

3PM - 4:30PM

Beginning Your Journey To Know God

As a baby we relied on our family even our community to protect and provide for us so that we can grow to the stage we are now. Similarly, when you first learn about God we're an infant in our spiritual walk and also need someone's help to grow, develop and even to protect us from spiritual threats that we don't even know about.

JcS Clubs recognizes the need for people to work together for growth in knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ to occur, and it can't only be done by a Pastor. We believe that each follower of Jesus has their own role to play in helping those young in their spiritual walk to learn and grow. We also believe that believers may need help to succeed in this task. The JcS Discipleship book series is geared at empowering teachers to teach those from eight(8) years old and over the fundamentals of Christianity and answer biblical questions which may hinder their Christian walk. It is set up to strategically mentor persons so that they would eventually be able to grow strong enough to teach others. 


Yes, we're talking about multiplying disciples. How can they believe unless they have heard, how can they hear unless some preaches, how can they preach...unless someone is sent. The harvest is great, but the laborer's are few, now the only question is, are you willing to say, "Here I am, Lord. Send me"?


Forging the Armor of God

Jesus calls us not only to live --but to live an abundant life for Him. not always easy. However, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so that we can be victorious. The apostle Paul likened it to a battle that as believers in Jesus you have to fight. He said that like a soldier we must put on complete armor, however the armor we wear is the armor of God.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. - Ephesians 6:11

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This is a core message that we teach at JcS Clubs because we believe the armor of God is a vital tool to live abundantly for Jesus, understanding and practicing to wear it is important. So many of our lessons are based on building spiritual armor. So that each believer is able to boldly go to God's throne on their own, and do the work God has planned for them to do.(Ephesians 2:10)

Medals and Badges

God wants people to live. Jesus said that he has come so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) So we encourage people to develop themselves in a multitude of ways. As they develop they are given challenges/quests where they can earn badges and eventually medals! Quests cover a large group of topics and we provide training to help people to earn their medals. Topics such as cooking, evangelism, fitness and much more.

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Community Outreach

Run By: JcS Clubs' Members

 #Ain't He/She A Good Kid!

Inspired by Klove Radio station "Good Kid of the Week", JcS Clubs knows that inspite of all the bad things we hear about children and youth nowadays, there are still many good kids, who're living in a way that shows they're leaders and growing into good citizens in society. We want to hear about and highlight them. We invite anyone to send in a short story of something your child or youth is doing or involved in that makes you say, "Ain't he/she a good kid?"



Book/Movie Club: Stories That Inspire

Stories are meant to inspire and to even teach us how to live. We believe that so we have a book/movie club where we select a movie/book/tv episode to read/watch together and then discuss it. Talking about things like why the characters made this decision or didn't, how it impacted them and what we can take away from how the author has portrayed the world. Hearing people's stories should be more than just fun but it should also be an opportunity to through the words of others learn, grow and experience people, places and history that we otherwise couldn't. Join us on our journey of discovery. 

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Book/Movie Club meets online on the 2nd Sunday of March, June, September and December from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Compassionate Ministy

Our club is committed to serving our community through compassionate giving. We believe in offering help to those who need it most, through various programs and services that make a real difference in people’s lives. We are constantly seeking new ways to serve, and are always looking for volunteers and supporters to help us make a positive impact on our community.


Puzzle People

Do you like puzzles? We've been collecting different physical puzzles that our puzzle people can take home and complete! Just collect a puzzle, complete, take a pic and repeat!!


Puzzle People meet physically on the 2nd Sunday of February, May, August and November from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Rallying Call: LET THERE BE LIGHT!!

Taking an honest look at the society around us, JcS Clubs is calling out for Christians, parents, providers and all concerned people groups to rally together to combat the growing social and spiritual crisis in our land. 


For us to succeed we must come together and expose the darkness that is plaguing our society, because in secret evil can thrive...but it's when it's exposed that it can be cut down and replaced with something good. 

We endeavor to do this through exposing these evil things done in the dark, educating Christian on how to make Christ-like passionate disciples for Christ so that each person is empowered to positively impact their communities, schools and society. We also want to encourage people whether anonymously or otherwise don't simply see evil and do nothing but rather expose it, so that it can no longer secretly grow. This is a call for God's people to wake up and Let There Be Light. (Matthew 5:14)

 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing- Edmund Burke

If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”  - Esther 4:14

Ephesians 5:12-13

Reading Club

Although the use of videos and pictures permeate our media more now than ever, we believe reading and comprehension are key skills everyone should have to be able to navigate this world. However, many children and even adults have weak reading and comprehension skills. This is why we host a free reading club for children to come and develop their skill and love for reading.  Our goal is to provide a fun, interactive environment that encourages children and adults to get excited about reading and learning.

Reading Club.webp

Reading Club meets face - to - face every Saturday from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Reading Club is soon going to be online!! Stay Tune!!

Simply Business

Free forum for business owners to meet, talk about their business and get business advice and tips from a qualified accountant and business consultant.


Simply Business meets online on the 2nd Sunday of January , April , July and October from 5:00 PM - 6:30PM

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