JCS Development Foundation has launched its clubs for adults. This is a great opportunity to continue to build your relationship with God and meet and make great new friends.
The JCS Clubs for adults is for adults 40 years and older. The group focuses on learning how to evangelize, teaching others to evangelize and in having fun doing it. The adults group represents our resource group of talents and are depended upon to assist with the youth, teens and children’s groups.

There are plenty of fun activities for adults that test all the skills of our adult group. We would welcome your participation. Interested persons are registered into our orientation programme where they can learn more about what our clubs do and determine if they would make a good fit for you.
Our monthly subscription fee is US$5 (Barbados $10). However, subscriptions is not considered a hindrance, if you are interested in joining and feel the subscription fee could be a challenge to you, the fee will be waived. During orientation you can let us know.
We encourage adults 40 years and older to join us, meet new friends and have a great time in the Lord.
Call us 246-231-2331 for more information or email us at info@tqsconnect.com
There's no better time to make new friends!